Gall Stones

What is Gall Stones

Gall stones are small stones formed in gall bladder generally when there is too much cholesterol in the bile.

Gall bladder is a small pouch like organ below liver and right side of the upper abdomen. Gall bladder acts as a storehouse for this bile. Bile is a greenish yellow liquid which helps in digestion of fats.

Whenever there is a need, bile is secreted by gall bladder into digestive system.

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asymptomatic gallstones management

Causes of Gall Stones

Primary reason for gall stone formation is imbalance in the chemical makeup of the bile.

  • Most commonly, gall stones formed are due to increased levels of cholesterol in the bile. When liver makes excess cholesterol then the bile capacity to dissolve leads to formation of yellowish gall stones.

Studies have shown that 80% of the gall stones are made of cholesterol, whereas other 20% may include

  • Too much bilirubin in bile: Bilirubin is a chemical produced when our liver destroys old red blood cells. Health conditions like liver damage and blood disorders, causes liver to produce more bilirubin than it should. When the gallbladder can’t break down the excess bilirubin, gall stones are formed. These hard stones are often dark brown or black.
  • Too much of calcium salts

Gall stones are very common. Some are at higher risk of developing it, like-

  • Females, if had children or those who are on estrogen therapy drugs
  • Overweight or obese
  • People with family history of gall stones
  • Have Irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease
  • People with age of 40 or above
  • Rapid weight loss

If you’re facing any of these symptoms above, contact us. Our dietitians can help provide you with a holistic gall stones management programme. Through a proper diet and lifestyle modification, you can easily reverse these conditions.

Symptoms of Gall Stones

Usually there is no symptom. Gall stones are usually referred as silent stones. But if a gall stone gets trapped in a duct/opening inside of a gall bladder, it can trigger an intense pain in stomach which may last from 1 hour to 5 hours. You may also experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, clay color stools, dark color urine.  These cluster of symptoms are known as Biliary Colic.

Longterm Complications

  • Acute Cholecystitis: When a gall stone blocks the duct ( the passage from where bile moves out of bladder), causes infection and inflammation in the bladder. This is known as Acute Cholecystitis. Symptoms include:
    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Persistent pain in mid right back or upper stomach
    • Appetite loss
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
  • Jaundice: Gives an yellowish color to skin and eyes
  • Cholangitis: Known as bile duct infection
  • Sepsis- an Blood infection
  • Pancreas inflammation
  • Gall bladder cancer

If the pain persists and complications are severe, laparoscopic surgery known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be performed. Post gall bladder removal, you still can lead a normal life. Liver will still produce bile to digest fats which will drip into small intestine rather than building up in gall bladder.

  • Dietary Management:

Major cause of gall stones being high cholesterol levels, with ‘Food N Wellness’ get your cholesterol levels reduced, inculcate healthier eating habits thereby improving your condition and reduce the risk of developing gall stones. 

Ditch the approach of rapid FAD diets, learn to lose your excess weight in a scientific and sustainable way with help from the experts of the Food n Wellness team. Get customized diet plans and lifestyle habits change as per your schedule, food preferences and travel plans.

  • Feldman M, et al. Gall stone In: Sleisenger and Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management. 10th ed. Philadelphia, 2016. 
  • Merck Manual Professional Version. 
  • Stinton LM, et al. (2012). Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: Cholelithiasis and cancer

How can we help you?

At Food N Wellness, we target the main cause of gall stone formation by getting your cholesterol levels reduced, adopt healthier eating habits thereby improving your condition and reduce the risk of developing gall stones. We provide both symptomatic and asymptomatic gallstones management program.

Ditch the approach of rapid FAD diets, learn to lose your excess weight in a scientific and sustainable way with help from the experts of the Food n Wellness team. Get customized diet plans and lifestyle habits change as per your schedule, food preferences and travel plans.

gall stone management

Let's get started with treating your condition...

At Food & Wellness we believe that every individual is different and needs special attention. We adapt our programme to your existing lifestyle and try not to change anything drastically so you can easily transition. Over a period of time we ensure results and help you restore your health.

Gallstones Articles

Meenu Agarwal


Gallstones are small stones, usually made of cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. In most cases they don’t cause any symptoms and don’t need to be treated.

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